Carbine Course of Fire:

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  • Sighting Stage: Slow Fire, ANY position. 10 Rounds Max. in 10 Minutes
  • Stage 1: Slow Fire, PRONE, 10 rounds, in 5 Minutes.
  • Stage 2: Rapid Fire, PRONE from STANDING, 10 rounds in 60 Seconds.
  • Stage 3: RAPID Fire, SITTING OR KNEELING from STANDING, 10 rounds in 60 Seconds.
  • Stage 4: Slow Fire, STANDING, 10 rounds in 10 Minutes.
Notes: The SR-1 HP Rifle Target is used for all stages of fire. All firing is done at 100 yds. Competitors may elect to take fewer than 10 sighting shots. The SIGHTING and FIRST Stages are combined for a total of 15 minutes.

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